Sunday, September 13, 2009

Raining Coffee

Well...not really, but it's raining...and I'm drinking coffee! I used to not drink coffee. I haaaaated the taste. But only just recently did my roommate make a French Vanilla brew. It smelled so enticing, how could I resist? I reached for a mug, poured a lot of creamer in the bottom of my cup, poured in the coffee and watched the dark brown liquid transform into a tan color. I gave it a stir and dumped in a lot of sugar (I really didn't want to taste that coffee part, couldja tell?). I took a sip and was actually surprised at the outcome and managed to burn my tongue. I decided that the best way to really enjoy the flavor was not when it was still steaming hot so I let it cool for a bit and kept getting ready for my day. Eventually it was time for class. I took my cup and took a real sip and it was indeed delicious! And that one sip started my coffee drinking adventure. I've even had to buy my own creamer since I use so much of it to cancel out the coffee, harharhar.

Also, lately my roomie has been feeling pretty under the weather and she stayed at her house last night. As I was about to climb into bed, I felt like I was missing something. My mind was telling me not to get into bed because there's one more thing I need to do before I can sleep and I could not figure it out for the life of me. I've decided that it was because my roomie wasn't there and we generally tell a story or have a brief conversation while we're both in bed right before we head off to sleep and end with a "good night" to each other. Goodness it was pretty hilarious. Then I had a dream that...she was eating my neutrogena face wash and it was all over her mouth and neck and I told her it was really bad for her and she got mad at me. Oh boy...I just have some of the weirdest dreams.

Week 4. Here we come.


Veggy Christian said...

lol! Seems to me like it isn't the coffee at all that you like! :P It's just the filler for your creamer and sugar, haha.

I've actually been drinking a lot more tea the last few says because of the rain - rain is such a great background for a nice steamy cup o' tea, mmmm.

I really hope Stephanie gets feeling better, and soon. Though I'm sure eating Neutrogena wouldn't help her condition any, lol. ;)

Sketched on a Canvas said...

Tea sounds delightful right now. I'm at work and it's FREEZING.

Hm, I think I'll blog about this.