That's right! A non-planner. It came in the mail yesterday, but by the time I found out the mail office was closed so I went and got it this morning. I was so excited. It looks like it'll be a blast and I hope it'll help me get ideas of how to get organized and stay on track of things. It's quite small, and doesn't contain very many pages (96), but oh boy does it look fun. I'm going to have to pace myself and not fill the book in all at the same time. EEEE I'm just so excited.
I do hope...that after this week ends and Mother's Day is heartily celebrated, that I will be able to go and spend about 5 days with my bestie, Carissa, but that's if Dad gives the okay and there's room on the plane. (Seeing as it'll just be me, how hard can it be to fit one person on a plane? Especially one who can fit just about anywhere.) I hope I can go. I'm also crossing my fingers and praying that I get the job I want, but I kinda have to go see the people first.
Also, I've got 2(ish) finals today. My horse lecture and my 2D design class. In the horse class, it's actually a test so I need to study. In 2D, we're turning in a project and cleaning...or something. So no studying required. Tomorrow I've got the worst test of all: Bible. Why? Because my professor is wicked hard. So lots of studying this afternoon.
Oh yay! It came! Now I get to see it, I didn't think I would be able to. I thought you wouldn't get it until after I was gone (although now that I think about it I do remember you asking for the speedy delivery). As always, good luck on your finals and on getting the job you want, and DEFINITELY on being able to see Carissa! Just so you know, I'll be coming over to your room whenever you're free to get a good look at that non-planner! :D
Sooooo..... how's the non-planner working out so far??? Have you filled out every page already? Or are you able to hold back and fill out one a day? :D
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